how to link 2 computers together? so i can share files.

January 27th, 2020

hi all, i m wanting to link too of my computers together so that i can share files but im wondering how to do this.
I currently have both computers connected to a modem for my internet but how can i link the 2 computers together so i can share files?

Answer #1
set up a home network… It veries depeding on the os. should help
Answer #2
the cheapest option if you have no hub is to buy/or make a crossover cable to create a 2 computer network without the need for additional hardware
Google “Crossover cable” and you will find many tutorials on setting one up
Answer #3
Moved from All other requests to Helpdesk.
Answer #4
new in these? it’s easier than you expected mate..
first, connect to PC with LAN Wire.. if you’ve a wireless Internet on the second PC and a wireless modem.. just connect the LAN from your non-wireless PC with the wireless modem.. go to Sharing Tab (but when you click this, it’ll automatically be in Sharing Tab). Click.. “If you understand the security risks.. blah blah blah”.. it’ll came two options.. click the second one and ok.. now you’ll have a slot to be ticked for SHARE THIS FOLDER ON THE NETWORK.. check it.. if you wished to transfer files from PC 1 to PC 2 and PC 2 to PC 1.. click Allow Network users to change my files.. Apply and OK.. This is for the PC 1..
Then, check PC1 IP ad.. if you don’t know.. Hit the start button, click run.. Enter cmd.. enter ipconfig..
now, hit the start button on PC2, click Run.. type \\[PC1 ip].. and then copy.. voila!! First.. find the files you wished to share.. then, put them up in one folder.. then, right click and click ‘Sharing and Security’..
Answer #5
many thanks all, both are wired to the modem btw.
So easiest ways are too use a crossover cable as stated further up in the post or do as ancient said.
Ancient are you literrally saying wire one of my computers through the other??
Modem connected to the router and to the computer is all wired.
thanks all
Answer #6
the cheapest option if you have no hub is to buy/or make a crossover cable to create a 2 computer network without the need for additional hardware
Google "Crossover cable" and you will find many tutorials on setting one up

I recommend you this, the easiest way to connect two PC’s…
Answer #7
many thanks all, both are wired to the modem btw.
So easiest ways are too use a crossover cable as stated further up in the post or do as ancient said.
Ancient are you literrally saying wire one of my computers through the other??
Modem connected to the router and to the computer is all wired.
thanks all

Sure mate.. maybe this thread could enhance your connectivity skills later on..
Answer #8
thanks all, i think i might just get a cross over cable although if it can be done from how my computers are set up atm ill do that.
Atm i have 2 computers connected by wire to my modem which i believe is connected to another modem which is connected to a router. On the moderm which the 2 pcs are connected too is also my 360.
thanks, all help appreciated.
Answer #9
so if your computers are both connected via switch (which I think you are talking about atm) you DONT need 2 buy an extra cross-over which would be totally stupid (except you like switching cables in and out all the time)
the only reason why you should get one is when your switch is limiting your connectivity (your network speed), meaning:
switch: 10 or 100 mbit
both network devices: 1gbit
… as an example …
however, 1gbit switches are pretty cheap… ~20� (eg: tplink)
Atm i have 2 computers connected by wire to my modem which i believe is connected to another modem which is connected to a router.
I am pretty sure that you mean “switches” and not “modems”
the only thing you need to do is sharing your prefered folders
if this is not working you need to setup correct ipv4 settings, enable file and printer sharing, and so forth…. depends…
to get help visit the ms knowledgement base under
infos about your current network state you get trough the command promt by typing
netstat help
netstat commands
Answer #10
Yes, like Ancient Lord Detheroc has said.
It should work.


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