Graphic Card Problem
January 28th, 2020
My pc is not freezing anything, pc is continueing to work same.
MAy this cause problem later ?
heating a lot? giving off a lot of heat? hot to the touch?
shouldn’t be a big worry, video cards are rated differently and can withstand higher temperatures than other system components.
however, i’ve had a video card’s heatsink/fan melt off and commit suicide on me before from being hot all the time (was used for video surveillance)
if your pc is on 24/7 i recommend adding some additional cooling fans above/below the video card (pci slot fans, 1.99-9.99ea, not too much)
it’ll help w/ the cooling and airflow. also make sure your computer’s air flow acts like a vacuum, all air travels in one direction towards the rear
well gpu’s are designed to withstand high temps (80c +) but if it gets too hot it will shutdown itself automatically. If your worried get extra cooling maybe clear out some dust/stuff over it and see if you can increase the fan speed with rivatuner (if it does have a fan).
Could you give info about the cooling of the videocard? Passive or active?
i bought the gfx card yesterday and its as if an electric kettle have just boil water on the startup of the pc.
thats y im asking..
ok im assuming thats when the pc is underload it heats up. Can you download everest (look in the appz section) and runs a stress test, stress out everything and also check if the temps go up. Say what temps are before the test and after
its still same very very hot. do u think it can dameage my pc or gfx card ? i can say its abt 80 to higher degree.
It really shouldn’t be this hot unless it’s super overclocked and trying to run Crysis on high. I would take it back to the shop and ask them to change it, it could be a faulty card.
i didnt overclocked anything, since the beginning its is too hot.