[SOLVED]AMD 6800k hybrid Crossfire

February 3rd, 2020

we all know that 6800k can be crossfired only with 6670 i saw a youtube video where the guy crossfired it with a 7750 Image
he was getting good fps at 1280*720 resolutions
i thought it to be fake but the screenshots were real
how is it possible

Answer #1
Well I ain’t sure how it’s possible but I wouldn’t loose sleep over it..
I was going to try dual graphics with my 5800k.
But I saw some benchmark test and although it was better than the single graphics, it was not as good as a HD7770 by itself..
So I use the HD7770 and Furmarks gives me 28fps at 1280 x 720 resolution
Score: 1740 points (28 FPS)
Submitted on June 17 2013, 5:04 pm
Bench duration: 60 seconds
Resolution: 1280 x 720
MSAA samples: 0
Window mode: fullscreen
Primary renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series

Answer #2
Even if it does work, it still won’t be very powerful.
Better just get a decent CPU coupled with a dedicated GPU.
Answer #3
Hybrid crossfire is at best, marketing shanagans. Probably slightly better for htpc.
Answer #4
Even if it does work, it still won't be very powerful.
Better just get a decent CPU coupled with a dedicated GPU.

in the video he had shown the some games with fps its very good
Answer #5
Well I ain't sure how it's possible but I wouldn't loose sleep over it..
I was going to try dual graphics with my 5800k.
But I saw some benchmark test and although it was better than the single graphics, it was not as good as a HD7770 by itself..
So I use the HD7770 and Furmarks gives me 28fps at 1280 x 720 resolution
Score: 1740 points (28 FPS)
Submitted on June 17 2013, 5:04 pm
Bench duration: 60 seconds
Resolution: 1280 x 720
MSAA samples: 0
Window mode: fullscreen
Primary renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series

the user uses 6800k not 5800k i think that makes the difference
Answer #6
Even if it does work, it still won't be very powerful.
Better just get a decent CPU coupled with a dedicated GPU.

in the video he had shown the some games with fps its very good

FYI: not many people play with resolution as low as that.
Answer #7
In your screenshot, the anti-aliasing was turned off for an FPS of 17 average.
Under those conditions the HD7770 gives me an FPS of 35 average..
Answer #8
In your screenshot, the anti-aliasing was turned off for an FPS of 17 average.
Under those conditions the HD7770 gives me an FPS of 35 average..

got it, the reason 7770 didnt crossfire is it has different architecture
AMD 6800k definitely works with 7750 5800k works after the release of catalyst 13.1drivers
refer these links http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/afd66


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