[SOLVED] Where to buy electronic components for amplifier

August 7th, 2016

Does anyone know where to buy this type of electronic components?
This type of potentiometer:
They are supposed to be attached to this circuit board:
I also need these mono jack or 1/4″ input sockets (if input sockets are what they are called)
EDIT: new image hosts.

Answer #1
the pots are 10k audio taper, and it looks like they have a switch.. the jacks are pc board mount headphone jacks.. and as to where you can get them where you are, research “electronic parts” in your country. there is ebay, and amazon, and some of the major suppliers like digikey and mouser may ship internationally to you.. you are better off if you can find something local though, because of the shipping charges to your country..
Answer #2
A list of mine:
http://uk.rs-online.com/web/  //highly recommended http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/
http://farl.com //highly recommended
http://www.digikey.com/ //highly recommended
http://www.mouser.com/ //highly recommended

Answer #3
the pots are 10k audio taper, and it looks like they have a switch.. the jacks are pc board mount headphone jacks.. and as to where you can get them where you are, research "electronic parts" in your country. there is ebay, and amazon, and some of the major suppliers like digikey and mouser may ship internationally to you.. you are better off if you can find something local though, because of the shipping charges to your country..
Thank you for your answer.
The two potentiometers were attached to the two black components on the circuit board in the lower left and lower right corner(i’m sorry if you already knew this). What do you mean by switch ?
I have searched wide and far for these components on google and on some of the different sites “” gave me. They are very hard to find.
I have asked in a local shop today, they are going to research if they can get them and call me tomorrow.
A list of mine:
http://uk.rs-online.com/web/  //highly recommended http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/
http://farl.com //highly recommended
http://www.digikey.com/ //highly recommended
http://www.mouser.com/ //highly recommended

Thank you for this great list If i run the amplifier without the potentiometers attached to the circuit board, can i damage the amplifier by doing this ?
Answer #4
by switch, I mean click on, click off.. rotating the shafts from right to left, they may be a click, that would be the switch turning something on/off.. those pots MAY have one.. and also, the amplifier won’t be hurt running it without the pots, as it’s VERY doubtful you’ll get anything out of it without them..(depending on what they do)
Answer #5
They are for left/right volume control. They don’t have a switch.
I have allready learned a lot since i started this repair project.
Well nothing is solved yet but nevertheless, thank you for your help
Answer #6
As far as i know they are just a type of variable resistor..
IN the UK..Best place to buy is maplin..Not sure if those stores are availlable where you come from..
Answer #7

If i run the amplifier without the potentiometers attached to the circuit board, can i damage the amplifier by doing this ?

You shouldn’t damage it at all. The problem is that if the potentiometers have an essential task you will risk getting no sound of it. I think you should try asking the manufacturer, trying to get the info of where to get the components. You could try replacing with something with the same specs but it will not be a piece of cake…
Answer #8
As far as i know they are just a type of variable resistor..
IN the UK..Best place to buy is maplin..Not sure if those stores are availlable where you come from..

The shops are available , most of them just dont have any A 10 K logarithmic potentiometers. My speculation is that these components are rare and maybe not used for amplifiers or other electrical devices that much any more. After all the amplifier is ~12 years old.
Well i found the last shop in my country that has these components
You shouldn't damage it at all. The problem is that if the potentiometers have an essential task you will risk getting no sound of it. I think you should try asking the manufacturer, trying to get the info of where to get the components. You could try replacing with something with the same specs but it will not be a piece of cake...

I’m getting the same spec pots one of these days in the mail and no it’s going to be hard to make them fit and sit properly but i’ll try.
Answer #9
10K log pots are not as common as 10K linear pots but are reasonably well available..
I was wondering why you pulled the old ones apart…Thought you might have been able to clean them up and reassemble them.
Scratchy pots do well with a squirt of CRC2-26 etc.
Anyhow, have fun fitting the new
Answer #10
10K log pots are not as common as 10K linear pots but are reasonably well available..
I was wondering why you pulled the old ones apart...Thought you might have been able to clean them up and reassemble them.
Scratchy pots do well with a squirt of CRC2-26 etc.
Anyhow, have fun fitting the new

You are correct sir, they are well available Well i ended up getting them for 0.38 € a piece and domestic shipping charges instead of having to order international.
I honestly don’t know why i just pulled that circuit board like that, that day. I think i am too stressed at times when i do these projects.
But it turned out that it was very good that i broke them, one of those pots where already broken. Causing the right chan on the amplifier to be dead.


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