Is anyone having problems watching Youtube videos in Firefox?

July 31st, 2016

I was watching some Youtube videos earlier in the Firefox browser and everything was working fine. Now when I go on Youtube and I try to watch a video all the video does is buffer. Either that or it takes a long time to play. The videos work fine in Google Chrome. Other websites’ videos such as ABC13, WWE, etc work fine in Firefox but Youtube is giving me problems all of a sudden. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Answer #1
Are you using extensions or userscripts regarding videos or YouTube?
Can you try deleting the YouTube cache and cookie?
Answer #2
your problem maybe related to either your connection or youtube itself , i also experienced problems like that which is not related to browser. so wait 1-2 days to see if things change. on the other hand , i personally know 2 person who are having problems on youtube with firefox 40++ , i also have different kind of problems with firefox 40 but not youtube related.
Answer #3
Same problem here with FF 39.0.3
Sometimes a youtube vid will take 30+ seconds before it starts to play. Using Opera they start instantly.
Answer #4
Me too, experiencing sluggish video playback in firefox 40 but perhaps adblock + noscript addons are causing this setback.


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