[SOLVED] ATI 5670, ATI 5550 or Nvidia GT 240

February 4th, 2020

Guys Plz Help Me Out Which card should i buy???
n Plz Don`t Suggest Me other cards….
Plz Tell Me Which to Buy..
Which Will Worth me !
EDIT: I Want To Do gaming…. 5670 ATI PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR5 Will This card Be Good For Me??????

Answer #1
GT240, altho if its for gaming none.
Answer #2
GT240, altho if its for gaming none.
I Did`nt get ur Point Mate..
Plz Say clearly Wat do u want to say
Answer #3
For Gaming….neither is any good.
The GT240 is good if you want to transcode H.264 video because it can assist the decoding to free up CPU time for encoding. I have one of these myself because they use very low power when idle and they do decode HD video very well.
The GT240 does come in different flavours, there are GDDR3 and GDDR5 memory versions and the GDDR5 has considerably higher memory bandwidth but it’s whether that will ever get used on such a card.
A GT240 1GB GDDR5 I would recommend if you have a choice. I have one myself.
Answer #4
He’s saying out of the two get the GT240, BUT, if you want to buy the card for use with gaming dont buy either
Answer #5
He's saying out of the two get the GT240, BUT, if you want to buy the card for use with gaming dont buy either
there ya go :p.
Answer #6
I Want To Do gaming …. Will 5670 ATI PCX 512MB (128-BITS) DDR5 gud enuff for gaming??????
Answer #7
hmm. What are your PC specifications ?
CPU model, Ram etc.
Answer #8
are you using an AMD or a Intel Processor?
ATI alot better with amd
Nvidia works better with intel.
Answer #9
ATI alot better with amd
Nvidia works better with intel.

That’s a big load of BS you got there, are you going to flush it or something?
As for the question, none of them will do any “high-end” gaming, you’ll be playing below-average at best. If those are your only options, go for the GT 240.
Answer #10
Em making A New PC n i Dun have A Big Budget….
I Live in Pakistan n My Budget is Round 500$..
Answer #11
some ATI cards (including mine) have a crashing bug when the graphics get too intensive. to fix the problem you have to UNDERclock the card to fix it and MANUALLY control the fan speed. so I would recommend a Nivida Card so that you don’t have to put up with these problems.
Answer #12
Nvidia GT240 that i go for
Answer #13
go for the 4830/4850 both of those would outperform those cards..
cheap too
Answer #14
Guys Thanks To All…
em not going for ATI cards…
I`ll Be Buying 9800GT or GTS 250 !
Answer #15
Go for Nvidia GT240:D It’s good
Answer #16
Gainward gts 250 is an awesome card. Runs almost all games at max and im playing at 1920×1080. The only game i couldn’t max out was mafia II due to apex physx.
Now using a gtx 465 nice card for about 170 euro


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