{SOLVED} nVidia Gefore 8800 GT SLI often freezing / BSOD-ing
January 27th, 2020
Ive used driver sweeper to completely wipe drivers out several times, Ive used both newest and old drivers… Same… Not working…
I have old drivers now since they seem to work the best… I never was able to turn SLI to work properly… The shop said there is nothing wrong with it after testing it… But still… When Im not gaming it freezes after either 5 or 30 minutes, its so random… Ive opened the pc today and ive took both cards and sli connector out and re-inserted it, but still, that didn’t help either… Kills the fun…
Im not even going to say anything about gaming… Currently I just have NBA 2k10 installed, maybe its causing the freezes? But still, I remember it did the same before… It freezes after few minutes… Pc is not responding at all…
Please help, this is getting really annoying, I cant do a thing anymore
EDIT: I played with the inside a bit and did not experience freezes yet (:
Seems that SLI connector was problem >.> Still, I did not play anything yet or run applications that require graphics dlls
Will update if anything changes
What’s yours PSU ?’ ( Koje ti je napajanje ??)
I understand you mate Full specs:
GAMER Venom + Intel� Core(TM) 2 Quad Q6600 (2.4GHz), RAM 4GB DDR2 PC-6400 MUSHKIN ArcticWhite, HDD 640 GB SATA-II, GeForce BFG 8800GT OCX 512MB x2 (SLI), DVD�RW, noOS
More info:
MBO EVGA, s. 775, 750i SLI FTW, NVIDIA nForce 750i SLI, BUS 1333+ MHz, serial ATA II, RAID, 7.1 sound, 1Gbps, FireWire, DDR 2, ATX 2 Intel� Core(TM) 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz, 1066MHz, 8MB LGA775 (QUAD CORE) VGA PCI-E BFG, 8800 GT OCX, GeForce 8800 GT, 512 MB, Dual DVI, HDTV RAM, 4 GB (2GB + 2GB), DDR 2, PC-6400, 800 MHz, MUSHKIN XP Series Arctic White Limited HDD WD Caviar 640 GB, serial ATA II, 16 MB cache (WD6400AAKS) DVD pisač, DVD�RW & DVD�R, PIONEER DVR-115DBK, 20x, 8x dual layer 8.5 GB, bulk, black Midi Tower, CHIEFTEC Aegis CX-05B-B-OP, black Neon light, SPIRE Case Neon Bar II 580 W ATX 2, HIPER 4M580-PU Cooler for case, psu antec bp500w, SPIRE, CaseBlower, 120 mm, 3pin
I google it and find out that yours two cards in sli need about 400w psu
Can you go to some friend of yours that has some better psu to test it ??
I google it and find out that yours two cards in sli need about 400w psu
Can you go to some friend of yours that has some better psu to test it ??
Not really, Ive found all lists of SLI cards power requirements
8800 GT SLI 79W-157W ^ (2x 512MB) Note that its GT, not GTS or GTX (:
Which means 500 should be enough
But in the end, sli connector was conflicting, I turned it upside down and it worked great, no more freezes
Just about to install 181 official ones
Will post how it worked
Working fine now, managed to turn SLI and GPU acceleration on (: