Your Thoughts on my site,Need’s a clean up

August 5th, 2016

hey guys i just wanted to get your oppinon on my website,I am wanting to improve it so i have uploaded the whole site for anyone to download and checkout,I was hoping if anyone out there can check it out and maybe clean it up and make it more apealing as i am just started making the site and i have little experience. Any help would be great and i can give a reward if needed.

Answer #1
lol dude, i downloaded it, but its NOT handy
Plz upload the site to a host, so we can see the site as it should be
Answer #2
here it is i uploaded it to a free web hosting site so this is the full site minus the ad’s so does anyone think they could improve it ??
uploading know so give it about 30 minutes
Answer #3
its a nice site i guess
Only this one is not nice : Image << Should be the main S and S header
it looks professional and the GOogle ads are not looking good @ your site there
all the popups are disturbing here
and this txt :
Stockton Beach is a great fishing location,All up the beach is good fishing but one of the best spots is at the Sigma Reck. About 8Km from the breakwall this spot is only accessible with a 4WD as you need to drive thru the dunes to get there,Its recommended that you camp over night and do some night and early morning fishing there as the dunes can be very dangerous in the dark hours. All in all i would give this spot a 3 1/2 out of 5

I really dunno (becuz im dutch) if its normal, but i would suggest using proper(is meant constructive eh ) language becuz ur site looks like it
Very nice site
Answer #4
thanks for your comments,The po[p us a google adds are only there because i uploaded it to a free web hosting site so they put them there but i have paid web hosting allready setup
Answer #5
verry nice
Answer #6
need to get a new template so i can get a better look for my site,Anyone know of a good fishing template
Answer #7
i know this might be abit off topic (tell me if it is and i will remove ) but has anyone one got a fishng template (non flash) That would help me out in redesigning the site.
Answer #8
Nice template, but try to consider refurbishing your logo.
Answer #9
cool well now i know that my template is good a have made a new logo it is simple but its just a quick design
Design 1
Design 2
Answer #10
Doesn’t work without javascript.
Answer #11
well i kind of like this template i found for a tackle store but if someone is able to make it suit my needs for a fishing website then please let me know,I can offer a reward if need
Answer #12
anyone ???


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