Xbox 360 problem?

August 4th, 2016

I download UFC 2009 and burn it with clonecd.When I input DVD in Xbox its says…
an update must be applied to your console to play this game.If you decline this update,you will not be able to play this game.
Can any1 help me….my console is flash for PAL games and i dont have xbox live membership,can you tell me what to do,what do i need and is it possible to find that(what i need for update)here on forum and do that over flash memory???
Please,just explain me cause i dont know what and HOW to do that!!!

Answer #1
Press Accept? Some games have the updates on the DVD..
Answer #2
a lot of newer games come with some patches for the xbox firmware, don’t worry. it shouldn’t mess things up.
Answer #3
Sounds like a Wave 3 video partition.
There was this wave 3 patcher, but a firmware flash to your Xbox 360’s DVD drive is recommended as your one is obviously too old.
Answer #4
Thanks It works perfectly
It change all dashboard look…its great
Answer #5
SOLVED then???


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