WoW starter edition REALLY slow download…

October 27th, 2013

So I decided to download the starter edition of WoW.
But I lost interest when I saw the download speed and how long it was going to take…
I can’t get past 10KB/S. Sometimes it even stays at 0.0KB/S.
I tested my connection speed at & I get 16.72MB/S, so it has nothing to do with my connection.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
Kind regards,

Answer #1
kefcool replied: I can't get past 10KB/S. Sometimes it even stays at 0.0KB/S.
You try enabling P2P and setting up port forwarding to speed it up?
kefcool replied: I tested my connection speed at & I get 16.72MB/S.
Mb not MB. The speed is in Megabits not Megabytes.
MB = Megabyte
Mb = Megabit
Answer #2
Where are you downloading it from? Blizzard or some P2P/filehost source?
Edit: Disregard, Smashedr knows how this works better than me
Answer #3
P2P was enabled from the beginning.
And what do you mean with port forwarding?
Answer #4
kefcool replied: I can't get past 10KB/S.
I just downloaded a small patch today on my 2G connection (0.2Mbit/s) and got full 24KB/s download speed.
Something is wrong on your end.
[quote=”kefcool”]P2P was enabled from the beginning.
Well, try disabling it then and just using http download. Unless a major patch comes out, their servers normally run at good speeds.
kefcool replied: And what do you mean with port forwarding?
Google is your best friend!


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