Winrar problem

August 8th, 2016

Hello, i have a problem ;p. When i packed my files some of those are corrupt.. i don’t know what i do wrong :F
Answer #1
I do not fully understand your issue but if i’m not wrong.
You RAR’d a few files but when you unRAR them you get corrupt files?
Is that correct?
What compression rate did you RAR them?
Did you upload it & download the file or just viewed them (Unpacked) on your hDD?
Answer #2
I do not fully understand your issue but if i'm not wrong.
You RAR'd a few files but when you unRAR them you get corrupt files?
Is that correct?

Did you upload it & download the file or just viewed them (Unpacked) on your hDD?
I uploaded it but i don’t download. People who downloaded files said 2 parts are corrupt.
Sorry for my eng.
Answer #3
If you can extract the files yourself from the archive, then the problem could only be something which happened during uploading.
In which case, if it happens again I’d say that the file service you are uploading to is the culprit.
Answer #4
Well there are 2 possibilities.
1> Your Upload might be corrupt
2> The download on the other end of the user must be corrupt.
You can download your files and confirm your upload if you wish or reupload the corrupted archive
Answer #5
I cant extract my packed files.. first part is always corrupt
I try to use 7zip now.. but that does not support rar files… to pack
Answer #6
Have I got the picture correct?
You used winrar to make an archive, and the resulting archive is corrupt when you test it locally on your PC, without it ever having been uploaded or downloaded?
Answer #7
ok doesn’t matter i reinstalled windows ;p


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