Win 200 pro password help

January 26th, 2020

I’ve just rebirthed an old computer for my son I bought from my old workplace a couple of years ago. Problem is it’s password protected at the beginning of windows 2000 pro and I’ve never known the pass for it. Is there anyway to recover the password or get around it?
Just trying to avoid having to put a new OS on it for it’s only for my 4 year old son and just gonna put some small games on it.

Answer #1
I've just rebirthed an old computer for my son I bought from my old workplace a couple of years ago. Problem is it's password protected at the beginning of windows 2000 pro and I've never known the pass for it. Is there anyway to recover the password or get around it?
Just trying to avoid having to put a new OS on it for it's only for my 4 year old son and just gonna put some small games on it.

Restart, press F8, choose SAFE MODE, and you’ll see administrator account and with that you can delete password from that another account!
Or… download this… burn, but… and remove password!
Answer #2
Thanks for that, As far as I can tell, it only has the one user ‘administrator’. So I’ll try the cd. Thanks for the quick reply
only thing is, that link is asking me to input an order id number
Answer #3
Thanks for that, As far as I can tell, it only has the one user 'administrator'. So I'll try the cd. Thanks for the quick reply
only thing is, that link is asking me to input an order id number

Well you can be administrator but there must be real administrator ( windows one ) if not use this app…
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/143342384/

P.s. ( That is PCLoginNow and not my upload…. )
Or you can try Hirens Boot CD
Answer #4
The PC login didn’t work It loaded the boot cd fine, but the program just couldn’t find the appropriate files to modify on the hard drive for whatever reason. Now downloading the other program n hope for the best.
P.S. This computer was hooked up on a network at work, could it be that the logon part from within the network only (if ya get my drift)?
Answer #5
You’d be best using this:
Simple and effective.
Answer #6
The PC login didn't work It loaded the boot cd fine, but the program just couldn't find the appropriate files to modify on the hard drive for whatever reason. Now downloading the other program n hope for the best.
P.S. This computer was hooked up on a network at work, could it be that the logon part from within the network only (if ya get my drift)?

just run Hirens Boot Cd you have a plenty of tools for removing passwords!
Answer #7
it’s all good now, still downloading the hirens cd, but that pogostick site program worked like a charm! Thanx


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