Why does winodws 8 take 36gbs of space?

January 25th, 2020

I have plenty of space but why does it take so much space? My windows 7 only took around 10gbs
Answer #1
The consumer preview was about 6-7 gigs fully installed. The Swap file or virtual memory file is roughly the same as the ram amount, up to 8 gigs. I have never seen it larger than 8 gigs. The hybernation file is equal to the amount of ram. So if your computer has 8 gigs of ram expect windows 8 to take up about 24 gigs on a clean install.
On the bright side if it is a desk top you may not even use hybernation so you can dissable that and get the 8 gigs back. If you have 8 or more gigs of ram you don’t really need virtual memory so you can disable that or you can lock it at 1 gig. In short with a little tweaking you can make windows 8 use only around 10 gigs.
Answer #2
If you installed into a partition that previously had Windows 7 on it without formatting the partition you should have a file called Windows.old that contains the Windows 7 data …. just delete that file. If you didn’t have anything on the partition before installation then you did something wrong because Windows 8 takes no where near that amount of space. My Windows 8.1 installation currently stands at 20.4 gigs, and that is with all the stuff I have installed on it.
Answer #3
Its all the Updates that go with the crap
Answer #4
If you are using the Hybrid sleep/ Fast start option then a large amount will be used by Hiberfil.sys (stores data to allow for Fast start), you can turn off Hybrid sleep and hibernate in advanced power options to get the space back (disabling these deletes the Hiberfil.sys file), if you are happy with Hybrid sleep/ Fast start leave them on.
@ the Hiberfil.sys is not equal to the amount of RAM you have installed (Edit: unless its set as a percentage somewhere, not sure on that), I have 32GB RAM installed and Hiberfil.sys was 25GB approx, disabling Fast start only added around 20 secs to boot.
Answer #5
also depends what you’ve got installed. games can take up a lot of space. when I had windows 8, it used around 24GB with everything I needed installed.
Answer #6
I see its brand new from factory
Answer #7
I see its brand new from factory
In that case, depending on the brand, they would also include a butt-load of crapware, maybe even a 30 day trial of office, and that’s a gig there..
Answer #8
Why not just see whats taking all the space for your self?
Answer #9
I LOVE that program!
Answer #10
nice its an MSI GS70 gaming laptop. I was browsing around and saw like 50 gbs full. I see windwos its like 30+ gbs I guess its the hibernation ready mode and the other crap it has. No worries its got a 256gb SSD and a 1TB SATA drive


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