What’s your opinion about Samsung Galaxy S4

August 5th, 2016

I want to buy this phone Samsung Galaxy S4 I9505 (The 4G version)
I heard that when you install many apps it gets very slow, also the battery life is short and the phone gets hot … others say that the camera is laggy and not good at low-light!
But I don’t know if they have updated to the android 4.3 version
I think it’s better and faster as mentioned in the update log
There are many reviews over the net.. I know and I’ve read much of them, but many of them are contradictory So, I want to here your opinion about it… I’m not comparing between phones here. I’m just asking about this one.

Answer #1
Samsung Galaxy software has always been bloated, despite the phones themselves being powerhouses.
Try one in the shop and see if you think it’s responsive.
if I were to own one though, the first thing I’d do is root it and flash over the normal image with an AOSP or custom ROM.
See the following video to understand what I mean by responsive
In the testing towards the end you can see the SG4 is much sluggier
Answer #2
My sister has it…Yes, i can get very hot and battery drains really fast…Dunno about camera, but im pretty sure about battery and work temperature…Besides all, phone feels really really cheap.
Answer #3
I have one and got one for my uncle and my dad to. They loved it.
It does all of the above you said to some degrees. Of course mine is rooted and delete any of the bloatware thats dont need. My mom got the iphone 5 and I beat her with the battery that came with the s4. I am using a zerolemon batter which made the phone bigger but I am getting about 3x as much battery since I use mine for personal and also business.
Mine is the i337 one but its all the same just the name. I believe the I9505 does not support LTE?
I switched from an all time iphone user (iphone 5 recent) to now an samsung user. Of course the phone feel cheap because of the replaceable plastic back. But the damn glass in front are hard to get scratched lol.
Answer #4
@: I think they are somehow equal (HTC And S4) But I still think S4 is better.. I didn’t notice any lag that you mentioned
@: Didn’t she try to update to JB 4.3?
or maybe she is a heavy user or a gamer??
@: Yeah, I9505 supports LTE… Thanks everyone for your feedback and waiting for others
Answer #5
There are better handsets out there.
The Z1 is one of them.
Answer #6
s3 is better than s4
Answer #7
I agree with swords.
Answer #8
I didn’t like xperia z :/
But I don’t think also that s3 is better than s4
Answer #9
the S4 pisses all over the S3, fact.
I’d go for the nexus 5 or Z1, as said. but it’s your choice!
Answer #10
S4 is way better than S3. Only thing is that you better get a protective case for it asap. because it’s very very fragile.
Mine dropped about 20cm to the floor and the screen cracked from that. (Mind you it landed on a carpet no less). Could’ve just been a wrong landing, but my old Galaxy S1 dropped out of my pocket on the street with NO DAMAGE at all several times. I guess the fact that they make ’em thinner and ‘lighter’, does have its repercussions.
But in terms of software it’s really really awesome. Battery drains a bit fast, but it’s pretty much like my old SGS1. Lasts a full day if you use it frequently, then you charge it overnight, no problem.
Answer #11
Thanks everyone..
But no one talked about the improvements in the JB 4.3
Answer #12
Thanks everyone..
But no one talked about the improvements in the JB 4.3

Improvements in software doesn’t chisel off the hardware issues. Low battery performance, extremely not crack resistant.
In the end of the day, your making calls and sending texts. Your using a mobile device, its suppose to make life easier and not harder.
Battery is everything and you can try as hard as you want to not drop your handset, sooner or later, your going to drop it. Heck my Z has been dropped so many times and yet its still not broken.
Just waiting for that overheat to occur enough to let go of the back-panel glue
Answer #13
Get the nexus 5, faster (probably due to 4.4), and comes with the most stock and clean android you can find
Answer #14
strange i dont have any overheating issues on my s4 and the screen isn’t cracked after dropping it about 100 times and i get good battery life . ( using aokp ) it’s a good phone but i think it’s beter to buy a nexus 5 because it’s stock android (aosp) and is cheaper i think
edit : android 4.3 isn’t that big of a deal btw
Answer #15
Nexus 5:
No Card slot… None removable battery.. only 8 mp camera… 1.3 secondary camera.. Only Li-Po 2300 mAh battery
That’s what I’ve read about it
It’s appearance isn’t that good as S4.. I think it looks cheaper !!
What’s the deal with it?!
Finally, If there are people having these problem with the S4 and others don’t
Maybe Samsung has made improvements in the new made devices (about 6 months have passed)
If I buy it now I may not have these issues.. that’s what I’m thinking if I’m right
Answer #16
i bought mine on release date wich was 27th of april .
the nexus is good because it’s the first to get updates from google , there’s no useless apps , its cheap for its performance and does everything you want from a smartphone oh and alot of costum roms
on the other hand like you said no card slot , non removable battery , worse camera and smaller screen . galaxy s4 has 2300mAh battery too i think.
both are good phones and way beter then any iphone
Answer #17
Nope, the S4 has 2600 mAh and it’s removable so I can buy a better one (There is a 3000, 7500, and a 9000 mAh )
Also check this out:

At 2:45 he says that lag, heat, jack issues have been solved in that update… further more we now have got android 4.3 JB Another videos show that battery and wifi problem are solved
Answer #18
didn’t even know about those issues.. most of those “issues” are just people complaining their phone gets hot when they’re gaming on it wich is normal same like your pc gets hotter when you play games on it. there are a few more examples like that.
just check xda-devolpers if you want to know all about it
Answer #19
I’ve checked xda-devolpers but didn’t find new reviews with s4 after 6 months of the launch


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