What’s This About?

July 25th, 2016

What happened?

Answer #1
It has happened to everyone
just that from today.. you get only 10GB a day dload limit.
Answer #2
They’ve switched their rules.
Before we used to have 10G/day or 50G/5 days… now it’s 80G/month: which leads to somehow 2.66G/day…
But as you created your account BEFORE the new rules were set, you are still using the old rules(10G/day)… until your account expires, then you’ll switch to the news rules (80g/month)
Answer #3
Thats possibly the dumbest thing I’ve heard. Is it permanent?
Answer #4
I hope not. For people with fast connections, that limit is going to get maxed out in probably under an hour. It’s frankly ridiculous. It won’t be long before Rapidshare reverses on their hasty decision I suppose. Anyways, the topic starter seems to have a lot of days remaining atleast!
Answer #5
Thats possibly the dumbest thing I've heard. Is it permanent?
i’m afraid it is


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