what is batter for games Nvidia or ATI ?

August 7th, 2016

Hi guys
guys i want to buy a new pc
and it support crossfire
all the good motherboards are supporting crossfire
so its ok if i take ATI ??
this is ATI
and the Nvidia is 8800 ULTRA
i think Nvidia is batter then why the price or the ATI is lower than the Nvidia ??
you may know batter than me Help

Answer #1
tons of card info here
Answer #2
I suggest NVidia, but ATI are cheaper.
Answer #3
i think the Nvidia 8800gt kicks ass!
Answer #4
8800 GTX is great it a bit pricty but if you can afford it is great
Answer #5
Experience has shown me that Nvidia is much better for games.
Answer #6
ok but what about the Nvidia 8800 ULTRA is better than the GTX right ???
Answer #7
Dont waste your money on the 8800Ultra. You’ll pay a premium price for a few % more.
If you can wait 5-6 weeks, you can buy the new Nvidia high end card: 9800 GX2
Answer #8
Dont waste your money on the 8800Ultra. You'll pay a premium price for a few % more.
If you can wait 5-6 weeks, you can buy the new Nvidia high end card: 9800 GX2

dont you know the price ?? 300-800$ ?
Answer #9
Don’t know about the price, not announced yet. It will depend how good the card will be in comparison to their rival. If it’s really good like 1 year ago (8800gtx/ultra vs ATi), the price will be more then $500-650. Hardcore gamers will pay the premium price.
But if the card is not that good in benchmarks, the price will be a bit lower. Hope and wait.
The GTX is more then 15 months old now. It’s becoming outdated within a few weeks/months. The Ultra isn’t worth its money, imo. If you can wait, and have the money, go for the newer 9000-serie. Or the new ATi cards like 3870 X2 (fastest card atm). Previews and benchmarks will be available upcoming month(s).
Check review sites like:

The 3870 X2 is added today.
edit: If you decide to wait, you might also consider a Q9450 for your processor. And you do know, if you buy the P5K3 mobo, you’ll need DDR3 RAM? A better choice would be a normal P5K mobo, with DDR2 ram. (much cheaper)
DDR3 has higher mhz, but also higher timings (which isn’t good). DDR2 is cheaper, and even fast (because of the timings). And you wouldn’t need the higher mhz from DDR3, if you don’t do a major overclock. Just a heads up.
Answer #10
this is what i decided to buy
tell me if its ok or not
Answer #11
Nvidia is better


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