Waiting time on Rapidshare depends on files sizes – periods?

January 23rd, 2020

The duration of the waiting time to start the next download on Rapidshare depends on the size of the file to download, as far as I know.
So how long are the periods for which file sizes? E.g. a file sized 1 MB requires a waiting time of X minutes.
Best wishes, Biff

Answer #1
i think it depedns on the file size to a maximum of 15 mins. Dunno the conversions though :s
Answer #2
I get 15minutes waiting time between 2 files! And when those 15minutes are done, I then get around 80seconds waiting time 4 a 100MB file!
4 a 1MB you’d probably get 30seconds I think!
Answer #3
Many thanks.
Yes, there is a “waiting time” (up to 15 minutes) and a further time (up to 2 Minutes or so, often 40, 50 seconds or so) for getting / wating for the “ticket”.
Best wishes, Biff
Answer #4
You’re welcome, mate!


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