Voice Recorder

November 18th, 2013

Someone has placed a voice recorder in my house and I don’t know where it is, how do I find it out or something to block it?
Answer #1
Uh,Why would somebody do that and how did you found out? What kinda trouble are you into? And a listening *wiretap* device is not a VR,I think you may have confused the two.
Answer #2
Roberto400 replied: Uh,Why would somebody do that and how did you found out? What kinda trouble are you into? And a listening *wiretap* device is not a VR,I think you may have confused the two.
I don’t know and the reason why I find out is he/she phoned me saying what I said in the house so he/she must have a voice recorder device recording what I am saying, I want to find out where the device is placed and how to avoid it next time
Answer #3
Prob som1 is playin a prank on u
Answer #4
AS011 replied: I don't know and the reason why I find out is he/she phoned me saying what I said in the house
Those things you said,Were you talking to yourself or to another person? And if the ladder,Did it occur to you that maybe he recorded the convo and is playing a joke on you?
AS011 replied: so he/she must have a voice recorder device recording what I am saying
Again I say that you are wrong on the terminology,A voice recorder is fairly big,Records in place only and for only X amount of hours
before it drains out,It cannot broadcast anything to the outside hence the person would gotta have physical access,As well as re-charge
it on occasions,These are rarely used for wiretap as they’re not ideal for this purpose,They’re usually used by students to record lessons or business man to record a meeting,What your referring to is called a listening/bugging device,Which is usually very small,easy to hide and broadcasts over the air up to a certain range,The person who planted it would have to be near by (possibly in a van) and could record it too if he has the right gear,Anyways,If your that concerned,You should call a local security company and have em sweep the place,They’ll find it for sure (if it’s even there to begin with)
Answer #5
any chance your phone went off in your pocket or something like that?….its fairly common for that to happen
i know when i get a phone call from someones pocket i tend to listen in as its their credit they are using and not yours
Answer #6
wazz12 replied: Prob som1 is playin a prank on u
We were talking something serious
Roberto400 replied: AS011 replied: I don't know and the reason why I find out is he/she phoned me saying what I said in the house
Those things you said,Were you talking to yourself or to another person? And if the ladder,Did it occur to you that maybe he recorded the convo and is playing a joke on you?
AS011 replied: so he/she must have a voice recorder device recording what I am saying
Again I say that you are wrong on the terminology,A voice recorder is fairly big,Records in place only and for only X amount of hours
before it drains out,It cannot broadcast anything to the outside hence the person would gotta have physical access,As well as re-charge
it on occasions,These are rarely used for wiretap as they're not ideal for this purpose,They're usually used by students to record lessons or business man to record a meeting,What your referring to is called a listening/bugging device,Which is usually very small,easy to hide and broadcasts over the air up to a certain range,The person who planted it would have to be near by (possibly in a van) and could record it too if he has the right gear,Anyways,If your that concerned,You should call a local security company and have em sweep the place,They'll find it for sure (if it's even there to begin with)

Well now, I don’t know if the device is wireless or just the device with either a HDD or a tape inside to record with, I can recognize the voice on the phone and it is one of my relatives, I don’t want to take actions with the police but is there a thing I can track where it is or something like this?
laboritisman replied: any chance your phone went off in your pocket or something like that?....its fairly common for that to happen
i know when i get a phone call from someones pocket i tend to listen in as its their credit they are using and not yours

You mean the device might been stored on mobile phone?
Answer #7
“wiretap” is exactly what it says – someone listening in/recording over a land-line (ie. when you use the phone.)
There are small covert voice recorders on the market, but you only get a certain amount of recording time. A “bug” on the otherhand can be a wireless transmitter.
2 out of the 3 above would require physical access to your house.
I doubt that someone is “bugging” you unless you are up to no good, and then you wouldn’t be “tipped off” about it. More than likely someone playing a prank, or as some suggested you have inadvertently made a call on your mobile phone and someone has overheard (check your calls log).
*edit – another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive.
Answer #8
gilly replied: "wiretap" is exactly what it says - someone listening in/recording over a land-line (ie. when you use the phone.)
There are small covert voice recorders on the market, but you only get a certain amount of recording time. A "bug" on the otherhand can be a wireless transmitter.
2 out of the 3 above would require physical access to your house.
I doubt that someone is "bugging" you unless you are up to no good, and then you wouldn't be "tipped off" about it. More than likely someone playing a prank, or as some suggested you have inadvertently made a call on your mobile phone and someone has overheard (check your calls log).
*edit - another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive.

This isn’t a prank as it’s a serious conversation, we don’t talk over the phone, we talk face to face either outdoor or indoor in the house
Could you explain this further more, because I didn’t get it
another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive
Answer #9
AS011 replied: gilly replied: "wiretap" is exactly what it says - someone listening in/recording over a land-line (ie. when you use the phone.)
There are small covert voice recorders on the market, but you only get a certain amount of recording time. A "bug" on the otherhand can be a wireless transmitter.
2 out of the 3 above would require physical access to your house.
I doubt that someone is "bugging" you unless you are up to no good, and then you wouldn't be "tipped off" about it. More than likely someone playing a prank, or as some suggested you have inadvertently made a call on your mobile phone and someone has overheard (check your calls log).
*edit - another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive.

This isn't a prank as it's a serious conversation, we don't talk over the phone, we talk face to face either outdoor or indoor in the house
Could you explain this further more, because I didn't get it
another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive

It works on the same principle as a parabolic microphone. I highly doubt anyone would use unless they were with the Security Services.
Here’s a shop that sells most things here in the UK, (although it’s illegal in Eurpoe to use the UHF transmitters.
Looking at that should make you a bit more paranoid than you are now, lolz
Answer #10
gilly replied: AS011 replied: gilly replied: "wiretap" is exactly what it says - someone listening in/recording over a land-line (ie. when you use the phone.)
There are small covert voice recorders on the market, but you only get a certain amount of recording time. A "bug" on the otherhand can be a wireless transmitter.
2 out of the 3 above would require physical access to your house.
I doubt that someone is "bugging" you unless you are up to no good, and then you wouldn't be "tipped off" about it. More than likely someone playing a prank, or as some suggested you have inadvertently made a call on your mobile phone and someone has overheard (check your calls log).
*edit - another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive.

This isn't a prank as it's a serious conversation, we don't talk over the phone, we talk face to face either outdoor or indoor in the house
Could you explain this further more, because I didn't get it
another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive

It works on the same principle as a parabolic microphone. I highly doubt anyone would use unless they were with the Security Services.
Here's a shop that sells most things here in the UK, (although it's illegal in Eurpoe to use the UHF transmitters.
Looking at that should make you a bit more paranoid than you are now, lolz

The price of them device are quite expensive, is there any app or something that I can find out where this device is placed or a way to avoid it like a sound block?
Answer #11
AS011 replied: gilly replied: AS011 replied: gilly replied: "wiretap" is exactly what it says - someone listening in/recording over a land-line (ie. when you use the phone.)
There are small covert voice recorders on the market, but you only get a certain amount of recording time. A "bug" on the otherhand can be a wireless transmitter.
2 out of the 3 above would require physical access to your house.
I doubt that someone is "bugging" you unless you are up to no good, and then you wouldn't be "tipped off" about it. More than likely someone playing a prank, or as some suggested you have inadvertently made a call on your mobile phone and someone has overheard (check your calls log).
*edit - another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive.

This isn't a prank as it's a serious conversation, we don't talk over the phone, we talk face to face either outdoor or indoor in the house
Could you explain this further more, because I didn't get it
another way is to get the sound that bounces off the glass windows via a receiver, but the equipment is expensive

It works on the same principle as a parabolic microphone. I highly doubt anyone would use unless they were with the Security Services.
Here's a shop that sells most things here in the UK, (although it's illegal in Eurpoe to use the UHF transmitters.
Looking at that should make you a bit more paranoid than you are now, lolz

The price of them device are quite expensive, is there any app or something that I can find out where this device is placed or a way to avoid it like a sound block?

Any help?
Answer #12
As said before:
Roberto400 replied: If your that concerned,You should call a local security company and have em sweep the place,They'll find it for sure (if it's even there to begin with)
Answer #13
Roberto400 replied: As said before:
Roberto400 replied: If your that concerned,You should call a local security company and have em sweep the place,They'll find it for sure (if it's even there to begin with)

I can recognize the voice on the phone and it is one of my relatives, I don’t want to take actions with the police
Answer #14
If you know who it is,Why don’t you confront him? And I never told you to go to the cops,Just have a local security
company run a sweep,They have special scanners that can detect these kinda things.
Answer #15
When u find this thing. Can u take a pic and post it here. I wana c wat it looks like
Answer #16
If it’s a UHF/VHF transmitter it will be fairly easy to locate if you have the right equipment, if you are too cheap to buy the equipment yourself, then do as Roberto has said and pay at least ten times the cost to a private security firm to do it for you.
If it’s a recorder then it will be more difficult to locate.
You obviously have something to hide if you are not willing to go to the police, family or not.
Edit – read this for clues
If someone was bugging me, they would end up naked, stuck in the boot of my car, and tied to a tree in Epping Forest, and I’d leave them there.
Answer #17
Roberto400 replied: Just have a local security company run a sweep,They have special scanners that can detect these kinda things.


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