Upscaling Hel,p

January 26th, 2020

I like to upscale the videos into 1280 resolutions. I am not well in these field Can any one tell how to upscale a video and which tool i want use and how. Any details help or tutorial is nice.. Can anyone explain about this
Answer #1
im not sure but if u have low reso movies it will juss look like a pixel bunch of crap
Answer #2
Mencoder -noskip -sws 9 -vf scale=1280:720,hqdn3d=6:5:8,unsharp=17×5:1,pp=ha:128:7/va/dr/al -ovc x264 -x264encopts subq=9:b_pyramid:weight_b:8x8dct:me=umh:cabac:partitions=all:trellis=2:mixed_refs:direct_pred=auto:psy-rd=1.0,0.2:qp=16:threads=4:nodct_decimate:nofast_pskip:bframes=6:frameref=6 -oac copy -o G:\OUTPUT.avi “f:\INPUT.vob”
This will give you an x264 codec format avi file of 1280 x 720 res, filtered and sharpened.
Try it, it works very well (make sure you give it a size that scales well to 1280×720, if not, you’ll have to work out your own padding values (black borders)).
Answer #3
thanks friend.. .
Which tool i use for this. Total Video Converter?
Answer #4
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/322443922/Mencoder.rar
Grab this one, It’s the one I use for that script.
Copy that script to a text file, save it as Movie.bat. Edit the INPUT and OUTPUT names to what you want – keep the ” and ” if you use long names or spaces in the names.
Have the bat file in the same folder as mencoder (the bat name need full path is the input file is elsewhere). Run it.
Answer #5
thanks friend i will try
Answer #6
I am using MEGui and RipBOt guys… Both are gud enough and user friendly.. Try it…
Answer #7
ok friend but i am very new to this. i dont know the measurement and all
Answer #8
When you play the file does it look wide screen or 4/3?
It doesn’t relly matter HOW much wide or square. If it’s wide, use the above script. if it’s square, use
Answer #9
k friend thanks. now i am going to try wide…
Answer #10
When you play the file does it look wide screen or 4/3?
It doesn't relly matter HOW much wide or square. If it's wide, use the above script. if it's square, use

hi friend,
I dint get the output. I create a bat file as u told and double click the Meencoder.exe file to run. That open and closed nothing happened. Anything wrong i did? please give details to work in that
Answer #11
No, you don’t click the mencoder file, you run the bat file which calls the mencoder exe with he parameters neded.
Answer #12
oh k friend i will reply after try


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