UPdating to Service PAck2…

August 5th, 2016

i downloaded Vista here and it was SP1… i keep getting update notifications that SP2 is available… but i think i remember people saying their vista becomes unvalidated after installing it….
can i install it and will my vista still be validated or will i have to try a 1-click validation (ive seen this doesnt work for some people)

Answer #1
bump.. anyone please? i want to get SP2 but i dont want to have to go through the trouble of activating if it gets deactivated
Answer #2
hmmm honestly i would suggest going to windows 7 instead of dealing with the hassle of updating to SP2
but for me it stayed validated
Answer #3
eh windows 7 all that better?
well thats not the problem for me.. the problem is all the files and programs i have installed… i dont want to have to back up everything and re install all the programs…
can i get any more validation that it will stay validated?


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