The page cannot be displayed on IE6

August 6th, 2016

Hi there members of w-bb. Today I am experiencing some weird problems.
Apperantly I can connected to the internet without any problem and use msn etc…
But when I try to go on any website I get this following error “The page cannot be displayed”. I have done some search on google and tried most of the things that has been done but still no result
Os : Windows Mellinium
Internet Explorer version : 6 (sp1)
Modem : Sagem f@st 800 PE adsl

Answer #1
How are you on this website if no website at all works? Have you tried updating to IE7?
Answer #2
Click on tools and check if Work offline is ticked
Answer #3
lol.. change your browser mate..its already been too long…update it to later versions….
Answer #4
How are you on this website if no website at all works? Have you tried updating to IE7?
As I said in my first post. Everything else works apart from IE, so that means I am using realplayer browser.
And I can’t update to IE 7 since the latest version of IE is 6 for Windows Me.


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