System & Network Administrator

July 25th, 2016

Hello guys, I hope that someone is here who can help me I am very interested in system and network administration, I have some basic knowlage in networks and IT general. Where should I start, which path should I take? Thank you
Answer #1
I have no knowledge in this field but I got it from the Pros..It’s a good idea to take the A+ exam…
Answer #2
If you want to manage the OS you should start by looking at the LPI certification. You need at least the second level certification knowledge to consider yourself adequate for the job(I’m referring to the serious companies at least). You don’t need to do the exam but you can study the materials for the exam. A good book to start is the “LPI Linux Certification in a nutshell” especially the older edition that contains more stuff. The part about systemd is not present and others might me outdated, but the thought strategies you will learn are the real reason why you are reading the book. This if you want to be a Linux sysadmin. For Windows you can check the “equivalent” certifications and study those materials the user ED-E can give you a good overview regarding Windows. If you want to be a network administrator, your best shot will be the Cisco certifications. They cost a lot and some of them are not easy, so be aware that you could pay even more than 20.000$ and still fail the exam. If you manage to take the Architect certification level, then you won’t have any problems finding work. Those two profession are being separated in an increasing way. I think you should choose what to specialize in. You must ask yourself if you want to be a sysadmin or a network administrator. When I started it wasn’t uncommon to have the same team manage both things, now the situation is far different.
Answer #3
@ ty for your response i will look into it these days than download some tutorials there are plenty here


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