Supreme Commander 2 Russian to English?

January 26th, 2020

Hey, I’ve got a Russian version of Supreme Commander 2, and I remember playing it in English before, does anyone know how to change language to english?

Answer #1
Don’t have the game myself but try looking around for some kind of configuration file or .INI file and see if you can change the language from there.
Otherwise, just go through the game menu, one option at a time and see if you get lucky!
Answer #2
you also could try to look for a language patch! and at least try the registry, often language is set there!
Answer #3
Thx, I found a way and looked at a file called: “Loc_RU” and renamed it to “Loc_EN” and now its all english.
Answer #4
Thx, I found a way and looked at a file called: "Loc_RU" and renamed it to "Loc_EN" and now its all english.
Glad it worked out for you!


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