Suggest a movie similar to Angels and demons pls ;)

August 5th, 2016

Hey mates, i liked angels and demons and i recently saw national treasure, any suggestions about similar movies? i’d love to watch them
Answer #1
The Da Vinci Code?
Answer #2
The Da Vinci Code?
lol mate, seen that too
Answer #3
A really good “feel good” movie is an English movie called “brassed off’
Answer #4

Answer #5
I noticed that Fools Gold is mentioned on the second link provided by . If you havn’t seen it, , I would start there – a really good movie
Answer #6
id say fools gold is a childs movie. But INTO BLUE is kinda the same just more adult. Then there is Sahara (love it).
Answer #7
try ‘1408’ n Davinci code is the best match…
Answer #8
try '1408' n Davinci code is the best match...
haha well i cant see any “match” there, but still a nice flick.
Answer #9
The Oxford Murder.
Answer #10
hmm. . . . people keep talking about Thrillers. What did you like about the movie? Was it the killings or the mystic history? Cause if its the history adventure kinda thing we have to go in the line of:
Indiana Jones. National Treasure
Sahara Into Blue. Otherwise you are asking for the thrillers where you have to guess the murder. . . and thats a whole other category.
Answer #11
I noticed that Fools Gold is mentioned on the second link provided by . If you havn't seen it, , I would start there - a really good movie
i’l check for that mate, thanks
try '1408' n Davinci code is the best match...
haha well i cant see any "match" there, but still a nice flick.

seen that too
The Oxford Murder.
i’l give that a try
hmm. . . . people keep talking about Thrillers. What did you like about the movie? Was it the killings or the mystic history? Cause if its the history adventure kinda thing we have to go in the line of:
Indiana Jones. National Treasure
Sahara Into Blue. Otherwise you are asking for the thrillers where you have to guess the murder. . . and thats a whole other category.

i basically like the thrill and the mystery in the movies. murders don’t amuse me much but they would go fine
Answer #12
well my two favorite thrillers are both korean. . . .but still great. Memories of a murder and Tell me something. . .
Answer #13
well my two favorite thrillers are both korean. . . .but still great. Memories of a murder and Tell me something. . .
nope, english pls!


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