Splinter Cell 3 on Windopws 7?

August 3rd, 2016

Basically I can’t find ways of running SC3 on Windows 7 Release Candidate. Even with the DVD in – I have a retail copy, ie bought. I tried a few cracks, but the game won’t launch at al land since the anti-cracking sopftware on the game won’t work with W7 I’m out of ideas as to what to do. I’ve had more or less the same problem with RBR, but I just replaced the .exe and the game would play.Not so lukcy with Splinter Cell 3 though.
I would be greatfull if someone can help me out!

Answer #1
Well, you just can’t run it since there is no method to make it work on W7 IMO.
Answer #2
Did you run the exe as administrator?

Answer #3
Splinter Cell 3 on Windopws 7?
i know nothing about this “Windopws” of which you speak
Answer #4
Moving -
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Answer #5
Just did a little checking around and no one seem’s to have got it to work properly on 7. Funny thing is Splinter Cell and Pandora Tomorrow do work.There was some mention of starforce protection conflict but not having 7 I cant do any tweaking
Answer #6
Yeap! like . If you google your problem, you won’t find any solutions. Until I think someone makes a patch for win 7.
Answer #7
Splinter Cell 3 on Windopws 7?
i know nothing about this "Windopws" of which you speak

[mod]Moving -
#3.3 Topics must be submitted to the relevant forums. Please read the forum descriptions before posting. [/mod]

I was not sure where to post it… Games? Games Requests? Have not seen anything else that I might have considered, though it may well be right before my eyes. : /
Hmm as far as this W7 goes – I just wanted to play SS all of a sudden, but i guess Iwil lhave to wait a bit. I have W7 RC on a seperate HD, which I might end up copying onto another (bigger) HD and install Vista or most likely XP onto the smaller HD for games and stuff. Eh.
Thanks for the replies though!


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