[SOLVED]How to check rapidshare links

August 5th, 2016

I know there is a way but I can’t remember how to get to it.
Could someone please give me the link?

Answer #1
RS Link Checker:
http://~ Dead file host ~/en/checkfiles.html

Answer #2
Great, thanks.
Answer #3
Answer #4
No software needed… just bring up the rapidshare page…from the menu..go on rapid tools and then link checker..and paste your links there to check..
Answer #5
as said rs link checker just keep a link to it in your bookmarks open and copy pase links there all done
Answer #6
linkchecker on rapidshares website look uder rapidtools
Answer #7
Firefox users only.
If you are looking for the “shift-R” script for firefox the post is here…
It is very easy to set up and I highly recommend it to all.
Answer #8
its a free open source script by rapidshare
Answer #9
No software needed... just bring up the rapidshare page...from the menu..go on rapid tools and then link checker..and paste your links there to check..
i dont like that one… it brings u to the RS home when u check them, annoying


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