[SOLVED]how do you enter the SOTW competition?

August 7th, 2016

just wondering cause i wanna enter one of mine in…
Answer #1
there is a thread in the graphics section each week, it is theamed
Answer #2
yeah i no…but how do i say “i want this sig to go in it..”?
Answer #3
if you no about it then you should no that the post says what you need to do
Answer #4
nice attitude…
Answer #5
You post your entry on the SOTW competition thread.
The original post says:

Posting Entries:
- If your entry is not accompanied by the URL of your stock image or render, it will not be accepted.
- Please post you entries in this format:
[code][img]Your Image URL Here[/img][/code]
Stock Used:
Your Stock URL Here

So provide a stock/render link too
Answer #6
yeah cool, i had a look…thanks guys.


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