Solved: Batman Arkham Origins inverted controls

February 1st, 2020

My left stick Y-axis control is inverted in-game. So if i push up it makes me move down and vice versa. Furthermore my X & Y, A & B buttons also have been switched.
I’m using a Logitech Rumblepad 2. I’ve been trying to fix it using the profiler by inverting the polarity, and switching around the buttons but it doesn’t work. I even tried going into the defaultinput.ini file to change the config line: Bindings=(Name=”XboxTypeS_LeftY”,Command=”Axis aBaseY Speed=1.0 DeadZone=0.3 | Axis aRawLHJoyUp Speed=1.0 DeadZone=0.0″ )
Bindings=(Name=”XboxTypeS_LeftY”,Command=”Axis aBaseY Speed=-1.0 DeadZone=0.3 | Axis aRawLHJoyUp Speed=-1.0 DeadZone=0.0″ )
None of it works please help me.

Answer #1
ehm you know that there is an option fir it in Game Option right? It is inverted on default but you have to change it. I did it too. Also use a 360 controller emulator so that you can use any controller as a 360 controller (even a ps3 controller can be used by using MotioninJoy). All games have xbox controller option anyway…
Download it from this site
Answer #2
I tried changing it in the game option but that didn’t work. However I got a 360 emulator and that seemed to fix the problem thanks.
Answer #3
no problem Might be that that the game doesn’t recognize your controller or you might want to download xbox drivers or logitech drivers. Also buying a wired 360 controller for the pc is a good investment if you like to play pc games with gamepad. You just plug it in and almost every game recognizes it.


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