S.S Essay

August 7th, 2016

Hey people I need to do a essay on powerpoint due tomorrow and its very hard. I would like if someone can do it for me. I will give you a rapidshare and megashare as a reward. One who does it the best.
Here’s what I need it on:
Topic=ku klux klan
I need it to tell me about the following:
Who were part of it
What was the goals/objectives
The members

Answer #1
That’s very easy. The annoying part is getting it on powerpoint which I always have trouble on lol.
I had an essay on the KKK and the South and it was for one of my powerpoint presentations, too bad I erased it from my old flash drive.
But yea a few searches in google will get you all the info. It only takes less then 30 minutes and maybe about 2 hours or so to compile everything.
Good luck man.
Answer #2
Thanxz man. I already finished it.
Answer #3
pointless topic…


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