RAR extraction problems…

July 31st, 2016

So I downloaded a 7 part RAR file movie and when I try 2 extract them it says that “the archive is proabably corrupt”. Can any1 help me out here????

Answer #1
You need to extract part one first. Try 7zip some people rar in that. Did your download stop before it finished?
Answer #2
No all files seemed 2 download fine. I tried extracting part 1 with RARextractfrog…. would using 7zip help?
Answer #3
use Winrar first then try 7 Zip. I was having problems with a game, and tried 7 Zip and it worked.
Answer #4
7 zip worked fine. Thankyou so much 4 ur help.
Answer #5
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.


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