rapidshare secure lock

August 4th, 2016

what exactly is the new thing at the top of my RS page, the lock thing? how does it work and what does it change. can flashget still be used with it locked? should i tbe locked? what if i share MY account with someone
Answer #1
If you lock your account, no one can change your pass, or redeem with your account. Only you can. So you ca share accounts safely. Yeah, it is recommended to lock your account.
Answer #2
Everything works just like before…Except changing settings, deleting files and so on…yea good idea…When you apply the lock…The unlock code will be sent to your email address…
Answer #3
oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. doing now
Answer #4
I locked my account, And the unlock code they sent me won’t unlock it….So be warned
Answer #5
Make sure you typed the code correctly,,,or better copy and paste..just make sure you don’t copy no spaces…I locked and unlocked many times..No problem…


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