Question about eps file

September 3rd, 2013

Hello Photoshop masterminds,
I downloaded some eps files (lot of images in a single eps file), how can I pick out 1 image with properly chopped corners etc., and add into my photoshop psd file??
I could open the eps in my photoshop and use the crop feature, but leaves lot of gaps you know.
Am still learning things, so it may be a stupid question.
Thanks in advance for replies.

Answer #1
what i normally do and i am not a pro,is i crop the the file or logo which i want to use,then place it in another file with trasparent backgound and work on it to make it look good and then use it finally in a layer
Answer #2
But still, assume you have a few images overlapping each other on the eps file, isn’t there any way to have them as layers?
Just drag and drop into a new file without those extra background images?


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