Problem: video in games

January 24th, 2020

Hi all!
i’ve a 8800 gts with 320 mb on a asus p5kr with a q6600 ( 2.4gh) 2 gb ram
i play a lot of games at full res and graphic
but often the video in the game goes very slow and some time it stop
for example mirror’s edge: i play at full graphic but when comes the video it goes very slow and stops �_�
same thing for prototype and other game do u have some idea?
p.s. i’m sorry for my english but i’m italian ^^

Answer #1
By your description of the problem, the first think I’d think off would be the graphic card’s temperature.
Start by updating your graphic card’s driver:
If the problem persists, download RivaTuner:
And preform a stress test. Take note of the GPU temperature at the end of the test and post it here.
Answer #2
i’ll try! tnx for the answer
but can be the HD that is old and it run too slow?
it is a eide 200gb but it has 4 or 5 years at least


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