Port 443 question

November 2nd, 2013

I have a windows application that needs to communicate with its company’s server to send data back and forth. It communicates to address:
My question is, can my company see the requests going to “theirserver.com” or is that encrypted?

Answer #1
Eh? What is your question?
Answer #2
I am employed by a company that monitors network traffic. I would like to know if, even though this application sends and receives data over port 443, can my employer see that traffic is going to “theirserver.com”.
Answer #3
If it’s SSL encrypted then no. You could check the headers and match known fingerprints but that ends from there.
Answer #4
ok, so more questions…
So I guess port 443 is by its nature SSL encrypted, right?
If it is encrypted then how does the internet know where to send the packets? It’s got to be decrypted somewhere, right?
Answer #5
So I guess port 443 is by its nature SSL encrypted, right?
No. 443 is just the default port for HTTPS (SSL). Any other software could use the port just fine it’s not in use.
If it is encrypted then how does the internet know where to send the packets? It's got to be decrypted somewhere, right?Man. You have so much to learn. I suggest you learn some basic networking first.


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