pcie runnign at 4x instead of 16x?

February 3rd, 2020

hey all, i got a problem one of you may be able to help me out with, my motherboard is reading my pcie gfx at 4x when it should be at 16x, i have got my system specs if it may be any help
mobo: asrock 775 dual-VSTA( the pcie bus is 1.0 i think)
cpu: intel pentium D 3.20ghz 940 (4 mb cache 800mhz fsb)
ram: 1 gb dual chan ddr2 667mhz corsair valueselect(512 a stick)
GPU: leadtek px8600gts 256 mb ddr3 ram(xp reads it as 512 for some reason, could be related) 675/2000mhz
also, i have gone through and updated every single driver, my mobo bios, gone through the bios looking for anything related(didnt find anything)
i am unsure wether this has always been like it, or recently as i never bothered checking and had not noticed till just recently.
thanks in advance for your help!!

Answer #1
srry to say but i dont think u can make it run at 16x unless u get a more better mobo as far as reading 512 is because its 256 on board but goes 512 turbocache when u have enough ram in ur pc
Answer #2
If U can afford it get another mobo.
Answer #3
damn. unfortuanately i have crap all money(about $15 AUD) as just after christmas i bought my new cpu (the pentium D) a thermaltake golden orb II hs&f and a new g15 keybiard, im 15 and odnt currently have a job, i was reading somwhere that the motherboard shuts of the rest of the circuits as to prevent damage to the gfx card? does that sound about right? also would this mobo be a good replacement od oyu think?
http://gamedude.com.au/prod_show.php?art_no=mbALpxp35 but before i got that i had planned ojn getting a antec nine hundred gaming tower as i have a crap case that i got cause i needed a new psu about 3 years ago, the case plus the 500 watt psu was only $9 more than the psu by itself
Answer #4
It would appear that your mobo does not support 16x…
Answer #5
Answer #6
did you check your bios to be sure there’s no PCIe step down setting
my asus board has it
not sure if everest monitors the “X” rate but it will log in the backround while playing a game, to see it it steps up
btw: the 775dual-vsta @ asrock site is listed as AGP and a “PCI Express Graphics slot”, dunt say 16x
Answer #7
the online store i bought it from says on the item code/description said 16x so if asrock says that it doesent support it i will contact the online store. but ifthat doesent work i will just buy the new albatron mobo, and use the old one for a second pc for my old celeron D and leadtek 6600 le pcie gfx card and 512 mb ddr400
:note: i guess its time for me to update anyways, the date i bought the mobo was 2.17.07 (american date) and 17/2/07 most dates
Answer #8
e-mail asrock and see what they say, if it’s not 16x then go back to your online store with asrock’s info and see if they will replace it or whatever
Answer #9
yea, i took anothetr look thrrough everest and apparently it is only a 4x so i will have to contact the online store i bought it from.
*edit* asrock has crap house tech support as i have been waiting for 3 days now. stupid taiwanese companies(com.tw)
Answer #10
Yep this board doesn’t support 16x only 4x so if I were you I would take it back and change it for a better board….possibly one thats not a VIA chipset and has PCI Express 16x slots. Just tell them at the shop the spec is wrong and misleading and you would like to replace the board to fit your graphics cards full specifications.
Answer #11
ntel pentium D 3.20ghz 940 (4 mb cache 800mhz fsb)
why did u buy that? should have went with a core 2 duo
Answer #12
it was only 142.50 oem inc postage, plus i looked over the specs of what i could have bought equivelent c2d and was more than twice the price, my equivelent is currently running at 5.79ghz, what i could have bought for the same price would have run at equivelent less than 4ghz, 1.0/2.0 mb cache 800mhz fsb compared to 4mb cache 800mhz fsb
and yea as for contacting them, im not sure itll still be covered, on top of that i cant remember the details to my online store accouunt with them, but i am still going to try
*edit* i finally managed to update my gfx card bios, and it fixed the 256 mb memory read at 512 for somereason


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