passwords storage

January 22nd, 2020

what does everyone use to store all there online passwords, i have tons of them and more every day. lastpass seems ok, but i dont want anything stored in the cloud. prefer something with high level of encryption, not like Sony who had there passwords in a file called passwords.txt

Answer #1
I use keepass and all the derivatives for other platforms (keepassx, keepassdroid) that use the same file.
Answer #2
keepass was a target of a recent password phishing attack (that was successful in many cases). It didn’t matter whether you were using the online functionality or browser addon.
Frankly I don’t trust any program for passwords. I find that the small inconvenience of doing the copy/paste from your own encrypted file, is worth the effort.
Answer #3
Encrypted text file in whatever directory you use for browsing sites that require those passwords (e.g. if you use a separate browser stored in an encrypted volume for browsing (as you should ), keep your /torrent site passwords in a file in the same volume).
Answer #4
The only place I store passwords is the space between my ears.
Answer #5
I store my passwords on a smartcard using its hardware chip and pin encryption.

Each card can host 64 entries with 4 fields per entry (user,description,password,url)
Two factor authentication for the win.
Answer #6
^that looks well good.
I was using LastPass but didn’t like it because to use it on a mobile device, you needed premium. moved over to Roboform and love it.
Answer #7
keepass was a target of a recent password phishing attack (that was successful in many cases). It didn't matter whether you were using the online functionality or browser addon.
Frankly I don't trust any program for passwords. I find that the small inconvenience of doing the copy/paste from your own encrypted file, is worth the effort.

If you get a keylogger installed to your PC nothing will save you. I don’t use the addon, just the encrypted AES file and I choose the passwords manually too.
Answer #8
it would be funny but , i use a notebook for it , for the last 10 years lol so i can see also what i have used for which site before. today many good softwares to do it both password managers or encryption software , they should be enough. but ofc there is a tiny risk since everything that is encrypted can be decrypted. i also suggest you to register your mobile phone number , to the sites that allow it , even if you dont setup two factor authentication , many of those sites requires a code to sent cellphone to change password or for other critical changes , it is also important to add cellphone as only recovery option , since if there is a second one for example a mail , a person who get into your account may use second option to do changes. but still two factor authentication is the ultimate thing as already told by others.
Answer #9
I use pen a paper – you’re more likely to be hacked or have online passwords taken than a break-in thief taking the notepad.
I write them down and copy them back as I need them (and can’t remember them). about every 6 months I clean up and re-write a new page with the crossed -out passwords removed..
Answer #10
I use pen a paper - you're more likely to be hacked or have online passwords taken than a break-in thief taking the notepad.
I write them down and copy them back as I need them (and can't remember them). about every 6 months I clean up and re-write a new page with the crossed -out passwords removed..

i thought i would be the only one who still does that , i found my lost twin lol
Answer #11
I tried the paper thing a few times; each time I hacked myself during Spring Cleaning
Answer #12
I’ve been using Roboform for years to keep my passwords and it’s never failed me.
The encryption formats you can choose from in the settings/options are: AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3DES, DES
You also have the choice of storing on the internet or just on your PC hard drive and I always store mine on a different hard drive so that if the system goes down I don’t lose any of them.
The latest version is 79115 and I just update it as a new version becomes available which is reasonably regularly because as browsers update Roboform keeps abreast with any changes.
You can get it here and the ru patch works perfectly if you copy into the instal directory first.
If you haven’t used this site before, I’ve been using it for years with no problems but please note there is a password on every download ……… but it’s the same password for every download.
You might get a couple of popups from the site but they are harmless (at least they always have been for me) … just make sure you close them properly.
Roboform is also a great online form filler.
Answer #13
I can agree – I’ve used 2Baksa for what feel like AGES.. good site..
Answer #14
Just go into it with scripts turned OFF. It is king at loading lord knows what from god knows everywhere
Answer #15
as far as i remember roboform was free , i made a list of good free password managers in the past , with the hope of i might use one of them in the future , but it never happened
LastPass Password Manager
PasswordBox: Free Password Manager
those were on my list , you can try them or can take suggestions from the people who actually use them like the roboform above.


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