optimum power calibration error w/imgburn

August 5th, 2016

Can this be solved by just buying a new dvd burner? And maybe some Verbatim discs?
Answer #1
What is your current burner?
How many disk’s have you burnt with it?
How many years did you have it for?
What media do you burn with?
Did you try to flash the firmware?
Answer #2
Try different DVD…Nothing to do with imgburn by the way…It happens to me sometimes with Nero…Replacing the DVD seems to solve the problem…
Answer #3
using a lite-on, probably have burnt over a hundred dvd’s, it’s about 4 years old, using TDK (ritek) dl discs, and the strangest thing, when i tried to flash the firmware, the program could not locate the drive. found my hard drive fine. it’s an .exe. file, so i just clicked on it, it ran. listed three locations, one of which was my hard drive, and told me it was for my type of burner, which it didn’t see. now what?
Answer #4
solved. bought a new burner, no probs. thanks to for it’s help.
Answer #5
solved. bought a new burner, no probs. thanks to for it's help. :mrredhat: so many dudes get this. A burner that needs retiring.


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