Opera mini so slow lately

July 23rd, 2013

Hi all,
i know this might be a long shot since most people here don’t use a phone to access the net, but i use it more than a computer to browse.
Last few days especially it way beyond a joke and i’m so tired of it.
Pages taking an age to load and remember these are very tiny amounts of data.
The help desk thread for instance is only 27 kB as opera mini shrinks the page on their server before you get it.
I’m also clicking links and other ones are opening.
So i could click on the 2nd thread in help desk and the thread above it will open, or it just refreshes the page.
It’s also taking way longer than normal to even start loading a page.
Anyone else experiencing this too.
I’m on a 3g network but it’s never been fast.
Not for my standards anyway.
I can’t complain to my network provider as they will just say i’m not using the inbuilt browser and if i write to opera they don’t reply and anyway i’m sure they would just blame the network.
Tearing my hair out in frustration lol.
I meant to get across that this is everywhere on the net and not just this site.
I have deleted browser and re installed it as sometimes i think it get corrupted, but that’s done nothing.
I prefer the feel of opera to other browsers but i do also have ucweb installed.

Answer #1
you try clearing cookies and history or even clearing data in application settings? if that doesn’t work i dont know
Answer #2
Thanks for reply.
I’ve freshly installed opera mini and still so slow.
So no problems with cookies or history build up.
Atm it’s taking 30 seconds or more to just try connecting to a page to start downloading it but then a minute or more to then load page.
And when you’re wanting to look at hundreds of pages, you just won’t live that long.
But thanks for the suggestions.
Anyone else having same problems as it can’t just be me.
Answer #3
Maybe network problem? Try taking the battery out of your phone
Answer #4
Hey that’s something i’ve never thought of.
I have turned phone off at times.
I’d really like to throw it over a cliff when this is happening lol.
But would a flat battery affect loading times.
I do keep battery charged but it doesn’t keep the charge for long as phone is 3 or 4 years old i think.
Thanks for reply.
I’ll take the battery out just to try as got nothing to lose.
I found an opera forum and have asked there but not sure if any help will come.
May well fix itself in a day or so.
Answer #5
Have you tried using Chrome or Firefox? Just to be sure that the issue is really on Opera.
Answer #6
Khozik replied: Have you tried using Chrome or Firefox? Just to be sure that the issue is really on Opera.
Thanks for the reply but this is on a phone and i’ve never heard off firefox or chrome on phones.
Well not something this old anyway.
Sorry for the delay but i had to just take a complete break from this.
So i just deleted opera mini and shut the phone off for a day.
I have now after hearing from a opera forum and not much they could do, put a complaint in to my provider.
But i was hesitant doing that as i know there will be buck passing.
Provider will say it’s a browser problem and opera will say it’s a network problem.
I’m going with the network problem as i’ve tried ucweb and that’s having similar issues.
Answer #7
You have physically delete all user data, cache/history etc before u uninstall Opera mini, as a new instalation will use the previous data, also try installing to phone and not memory card as that will also slow opera down. Also make sure that u use an ‘Official’ version from opera an not one of the many ‘modded’ versions that are kicking round. If ur 3g speed is slow try reducing the image quality in settings from high to medium or low that may also help
Also keep a check on ur phones internal memory, just like windows, the phones OS needs room to run.
and one last note, just remember the world and his wife is using Opera Mini now on their phones so the service will slow a little at peak times, its not like it used to be 5 or 6 years ago when opera mini was REALLY quick
Answer #8
Thank you very much for those tips.
Opera mini is installed on phone as i don’t have memory card.
And i’m using an official version.
Not sure about removing data and all manually.
I just delete it from phone.
Do i need to do more before i delete it?
I wish some man and his wife wouldn’t use it so much then lol.
But it was fine a week or so ago plus this seems more a connecting issue rather than speed.
As another browser is sort of lagging as well.
But after putting in complaint to service provider i still haven’t heard back from them officially but after about 12 hours after complaining my net wasn’t working at all for 4 or 5 hours.
That will teach me to complain lol.
Answer #9
Don’t delete the Cache when shutting down the Browser it mat help you !
Answer #10
-abdul- replied: Don't delete the Cache when shutting down the Browser it mat help you !
Does opera mini have a cache?
How do you delete it?
I know you can delete cookies, is that it?
Well my provider phoned me today and all they would say was my internet settings on their end were outdated.
So they said they would update them and i had to turn phone off for a few minutes.
I don’t even know what they are talking about.
But even before they rang my net browsing had improved.
So only time will tell if it’s fixed.
Someone from opera forum said they’d bet i was going through dallas.
I did a traceroute of operas ip and first 5 hops were dallas and not sure if they are opera websites or not.
Should i be worried?


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