
January 25th, 2020

I have NHL09 and when you get into option screen and beyond the choice option scrolls on its own…Does anyone know what may cause this…i attatched an movie of what happens..

Answer #1
I’ve had this happen w/ a game before, but i don’t remember which game it was.
It seems that there is an issue w/ your installation, perhaps. Did you apply all necessary cracks? No-CD/patches?
Uninstall it and do a reboot + delete dir in program files. and then re-install it.
It seems that it’s just an issue of a confliction. Maybe running 2 games at once, or some background interference from another application.
Answer #2
I also had this problem before :p
It was because of a gamepad that was plugged in and not calibrated correctly
Answer #3
Thanks for the input guys..It is the logitech Precission controller..When unplugged there is not a problem.I have calibrated it again but when plugged in it does the rolling choice thing again..It cant be a faulty controller as it works fine with madden o8 and various other games..Any other ideas what settings i could try?Im going to try my other logitech controller and see what happens with that..
Tried a different controller exactly the same rolling menu,tried different usb hubs,fresh install as well…will not work with any controller plugged in


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