New look w-bb / help

August 7th, 2016

I really liked the new xmas look of the site and I would like to make a banner for my website aswell.
I reallly like the brush used on the right side of the banner here , not the snowflakes but the lines…
whats the name of it , how cna i find it?
helpish pls:)

Answer #1
I really liked the new xmas look of the site and I would like to make a banner for my website aswell.
I reallly like the brush used on the right side of the banner here , not the snowflakes but the lines...
whats the name of it , how cna i find it?
helpish pls:)

Better ask Dexsteer. He’s the one that made the logo. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
You will have to contact who ever designed it, I have no idea who that person is
Good luck
EDIT: you always beat me too it
Answer #3
where can i find him then ^_^
Answer #4
where can i find him then ^_^
Here on
Answer #5
Pm Him using
Answer #6


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