Need to make friends with who knows HTML and JavaScript well

January 28th, 2020

Hi, these days I’m working on a simple web design project using HTML and Java Script for my institute’s project. Unfortunately our lecturer got sick and me and my buddies are in BIG trouble coz we’ve gotta learn all the things on HTML and Java Script all by ourselves and do the project within a small period of time .
So when I get stuck with my coding I get totally stuck coz there’s no help around.I believe this is too unfair and I need to make friends who can help me check the coding .
These codings are simple and is not too complex compared to modern web pages so I won’t be bothering you all the time.
So please friends with any level of knowledge with HTML and Javascript reply me or IM me on .

Answer #1
you using dreamweaver ? it has very good help and
with the code/page view you can save and open any page in it to see how it’s done
and use google, search
“html help” or “html tutorials” – lots of sites out there
you can also search specific tags and functions like – “html table tutorial”
do then same with javascript
that’s how i learned
and also check the ebookz section for “how to’s”
Answer #2
great site got me threw sum though times with my html/asp projects
Answer #3
Google can be your best friend Trust me in that.
Answer #4
Well unfortunately they won’t let me use any web designing tool.
They want me to do the coding raw using notepad or similar text editor and save it in .htm or .html format
If I use any tool they can easily detect it from the coding.
I just need friends to check my coding and see if there’s something wrong with whatever I’ve coded.
Please i really need help.
Answer #5
Is there anyone?


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