Need short website description – grammar issues [SOLVED]

August 29th, 2013

Hey there mates, since English is not my native language, can someone check did I do any grammar mistakes in this description and eventually fix it a little bit so it sounds better? The website is about cartoons.
We are community for all you people that still have part of kid inside them. We share toons, discuss them and have fun. Like our page to stay updated to improvements on our site, and to stay updated to our YouTube Cartoon Intros Channel.
Thanks in advance!

Answer #1
My native language isn’t English either but I’ll give it a try:
We are a community for everyone who still feels like a kid inside. We share toons, discuss them and have fun. Like our page to stay updated about improvements to our site and to stay updated about our Youtube Cartoon Intros Channel
Answer #2
Yup, that’s pretty good. Only a very anal-retentive person would find further issue with that wording.
Answer #3
BosmouZ pretty much nailed it. Don’t ever put a comma before “and”.
Answer #4
Thanks for help BosmouZ. Much appreciated.


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