Need Help with using .pfb fonts.

July 25th, 2016

I downloaded the fonts over at
I have coded your links, please code all links in the future- CTP
and I was wondering how do i use them? Install them, ect. I have a font manager but it is unable to read those fonts. How do i get them into Photoshop?

Answer #1
thanks for the headsup on the fonts xD downloaded em meself just now
quick googalaying has told me that you need:
For non pre-windows 2000 users:
In order to use PostScript Type 1 or OpenType .otf fonts in Windows 98, Windows ME, or Windows NT 4, you must first install Adobe Type Manager� Light (ATM� Light), which is a free download from Adobe, and then install the fonts through ATM. OpenType .otf fonts require ATM version 4.1 or higher. PostScript Type 1 fonts require ATM version 4.0 or higher. Note that Windows 2000 and XP do not require ATM � see separate section above.
I suspect your probably on XP or Vista – in which case the official adobe article says you should just be able to copy the files over to your Fonts folder in Control Panel:
In Vista, open control panel, in the search box type “fonts” – youll have a fonts folder to open, in which you can paste the pfb files.
In XP, open control panel, go to classic view and you should see the “fonts” folder – do same as above.
now to see if my advice actually works on my own comp.
OK, turns out im right, you can just drag and drop the downloaded font files into your windows font directory.
BUT, in that download you will notice that for each font type, you have 2 files.
One is a .pfb file, the other is a file that can be dropped into the windows font directory and will be integrated straightaway.
I dont know about you but looking at the files on my vista comp, i can see files ending in PFB – these ones wont copy in, so you have the fun task of goin through all those files and copying the ones that dont end in pfb (in the filename).
Answer #2
anyone know of a font manager that can read pfb fonts?
thanks for the guide !


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