Need help with USB

August 2nd, 2016

It works when i plug my mp3 player….but it won’t work on the steering wheel…..nor webcam…anything i can do about it? Thanks!
Answer #1
is it a specific port that doesnt work, or all of them (ie try them with all the ports)
try unplugging EVERYTHING from all your usb ports, then try each device with every port seperatly.
also, when you plug something in, (eg your stearing wheel), does it ‘switch on’ or does it stay as if it isnt plugged in (ie, some devices have LEDs etc on them, do these light up?)
Answer #2
Have you tried makin sure the drivers are installed properly for those things?
Answer #3
Maybe they died off?
Try getting a USB hub of some sort if so?
Answer #4
Try getting a USB hub of some sort if so?
same thing will happen for the wheel and cam. Maybe the wheel drivers got corrupted and the cam’s, try re-installing them firstly. IF thats a no go then test them on another pc if possible


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