Native Instruments Battery 3 no sound

August 19th, 2013

I got Battery 3.0.6 with the Komplete 7 library. After about 30 minutes of usage it stops reproducing sounds (midi signal is detected and the cell lightens but no sounds are played). Even if I build and save a custom kit it won’t play when I reload it.
I tried Battery 3.1.1 and the same happens. Battery 3.2.6 just crashes on startup.
Windows 7 64 bit.

Answer #1
Is it running in demo mode?
Answer #2
You’re not alone, a lot of people seem to have this problem
He seems to have solved his issue, but I’m not sure whether it will help you, because his issue seems to have changed over time.
Answer #3
I just discovered that it was all about my internal soundcard. I disabled it from my control panel and all works fine!


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