my friend computer start up error

August 7th, 2016

Hello… My friend has a old pc (second handed one). For the last few weeks when i tried to turn on the pc this following error comes up.
Windows couldn’t start because of a corrupt file please report this problem as:
load needed DLLS for kernel
please contact your support person to report this problem after this error another message comes up
or corrupt <windows>\system32\hal.dll
please re-install a copy of the above file. Unfortunately i dont have boot cd and i dont know how to create boot cd. Help needed!!

Answer #1
Here is the microsoft page for that error:
I think the repair option would be the most viable and looks the easiest to follow
Answer #2
Windows XP
Answer #3
Download windows xp from here, unrar so that you get the .iso and burn it using IMGburn and this guide:
If there are important stuff in his drives that need to be saved, either try a repair install on windows xp, or get ubuntu:
Burn it, boot with the CD and run it – don’t install it! Just run it. You’ll be able to get all the files you need to be saved in an external drive or usb stick or whatever.
Answer #4
Create a XP CD of the same version that was installed onto that PC…
Then follow this guide
Answer #5
If you need data off that hard drive. remove it form that currently pc and hook it up to another pc. Since it is a second hand pc, I’d recommend installing an entirely new os, so he can have a fresh start. Since it’s an old pc, Use Linux, or tinyXp.


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