Mp3 fixing tool(info and album art)

March 22nd, 2014

Hello guys,
Can you recommend me an automated tool for organizing my existing mp3 collection?
What i want from the program is:
-fix my mp3 collection info(filename, file info, album art)
-organize them in nice folder tree(artist based, album based or anything)
Thank you,

Answer #1
The best tool in the game is TagScanner. Will rename your files and organize them in folders automatically; however, it is based off the tags. So if your music is not tagged properly it will not work.
Answer #2
Thank you. But my music isn’t properly tagged. I’ve downloaded everything from net from different sources, different qualities so it is just a mess. So i need a complete work up.
But i will keep this app in mind to use it after I’ve tagged my music(Which i still look for an app to do it).
Answer #3
Tag&Rename is what you’re looking for.
it’s available on this site…
Answer #4
AIMP2 Advanced Tag Editor


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