Mozilla Sucks Can u help me ?

August 5th, 2016

I have tried many methods but Nothing works
So if u can help me plz do …

Answer #1
my current memory usage of firefox is 80mb atm if that helps.
Answer #2
yeah, that’s not that much tbh, mine’s over 100mb.
Answer #3
mines on 86mb, why does it use so much??
Answer #4
because of your addons and theme’s
Answer #5
woot mines 83 XD
Answer #6
My is 23M to 100M.
Answer #7
Answer #8
Don’t see what your worrying about, i’m currently at 120k and just loaded FF
Answer #9
You’re fine, firefox is a bit of a resource hog. Mine is on 86k right now, which is pretty normal for FF.
Answer #10
You can use tonnes if you have loads open – I found someone once who had 750MB of firefox open (it was like 200 tabs)
Answer #11
is dere any way to reduce firefox memory bcz after 1 hour it take a hell of memory
Answer #12
thats perfectly normal.mine is usually around 200mb or greater(i ‘ve got a ~ censored ~ of add-ons)
Answer #13
that’s normal, but if you don’t want to use it use google chrome…IDK if it would make any difference I think they use about the same amount of resources
Answer #14
chrome is nice but firefox is jsut awesum.
it can be personalised and with all those add-ons i dont think it has even close competition.
Answer #15
install opera or firefox optimizer
Answer #16
I got 160mb lol!
Answer #17
157mb for me.
what’s the problem though?
if that’s slowing down your PC, get some more RAM…
Answer #18
473 with lot’s of (usefull) addons and a sh*tload of tabs open
Answer #19
runnin at 50k atm
Answer #20
No addon insalled in my pc…
and pc become slow
and i tried firefox optimizer but nothing happen
Answer #21
Firefox optimizer does reduce the mem usage of firefox, I’ve tried it on an older PC.
My firefox uses regularly around 130-150k(k) with one tab open, and I have 7 addons which are always working.
Try not using themes, they lag firefox quite a bit, and addons obviously lag.
If nothing worked for you you should use google chrome for lower mem usage and greater speed on an older PC, although if you are a person of many tabs as myself, you should stick with firefox, since chrome’s tabs take a lot of memory compared to firefox.
Answer #22
How much RAM do you have? It is pretty cheap now, so I would say just get some more RAM.
Firefox is a RAM hog, even though it has gotten better from 2.0 to 3.0. It still kicks the competition in features and security though, which makes a little extra RAM usage not much of a big deal, especially when you have 4GB of it. Mine has used over 1GB (almost 2GB) in this current session (that was wit over 200 tabs open), but has dropped back down:
Answer #23
How much RAM do you have? It is pretty cheap now, so I would say just get some more RAM.
Firefox is a RAM hog, even though it has gotten better from 2.0 to 3.0. It still kicks the competition in features and security though, which makes a little extra RAM usage not much of a big deal, especially when you have 4GB of it. Mine has used over 1GB (almost 2GB) in this current session (that was wit over 200 tabs open), but has dropped back down:

Sure its a secure browser but feature wise theres nothing to shout about at all. It has no unique features. Infact theres hardly any compared to Opera.. Email client, IRC client, bit torrent support, RSS reader, notes, Opera sync. panels, widgets, I could go on and on. Sure you got your addons, but a few user js scripts and power buttons do most things addons can do now adays.
Answer #24
Answer #25
that is perfectly normal
Answer #26
That’s nothing. It’s Ok.
When you go over 100MB you might want to think about lowering the add-ons.


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