Movies quality?

August 4th, 2016

Which quality is usually better a x264 DVDRip or an aXXo DVD rip?
Answer #1
for the size the x264 is the better quality rip (i think). but if wanted to reconvert it to DVD the aXXo DVDrip would be better to convert
Answer #2
In this very case it the movie “The Dark Knight”. The aXXo file is 700 mb, and the x264 is 500 mb.
No I don’t want to convert it back to DVD. Just want to watch it directly.
Answer #3
The x264 Rip is usually better
Answer #4
The x264 Rip is usually better
Even if the x264 file is 500 mb and the aXXo is 700 mb (the same movie) ?
Answer #5
^ Well differnt codecs have differnt ways of enconding you know ( which i dont know fully , so i cant explain)
But take for instance , the new 300 MB movie rips , less than 45 % of the axxo size , yet same quality….
Answer #6
x264 codec can encode to either a smaller size or a larger resolution than XVid and still have better quality. XVid is old and outdated, x264 can give superior quality but still depends on the encoders abilities. You might of noticed everyone declaring HQ for all their x264 rips, that is all very subjective and in my opinion rubbish as most are not what I would call High Quality. Some of those are the 99MB rips which, even for the best can never be really High Quality, even with someone who knows what they are doing and doesn’t just copy encoding settings.
x264 is under intense development, whereas XVid has received very little development in years.
Get the x264 whereever possible for smaller download size, storage and quality.
Answer #7
x264 codec can encode to either a smaller size or a larger resolution than XVid and still have better quality. XVid is old and outdated, x264 can give superior quality but still depends on the encoders abilities. You might of noticed everyone declaring HQ for all their x264 rips, that is all very subjective and in my opinion rubbish as most are not what I would call High Quality. Some of those are the 99MB rips which, even for the best can never be really High Quality, even with someone who knows what they are doing and doesn't just copy encoding settings.
x264 is under intense development, whereas XVid has received very little development in years.
Get the x264 whereever possible for smaller download size, storage and quality.

x264 is a codec, like xvid, and axxo is a release group
Answer #8
aXXo usually has .avi releases (Xvid) i have downloaded a lot x264 stuff and with quality is AMAZING, but I am somewhat suspicious cuz I downloaded Indiana jones and it was 900Mb x264 with insane quality but im somewhat suspicous in ur case cuz dark knight is way longer and it is only 500mb?
Answer #9
aXXo Its Better Quality cause x264 movies are converted and lost the quality ( Quality its good but not like aXXo Releases)
Answer #10
x264 is a way better than DivX/XviD is. aXXo’s releases are lower quality
Answer #11
x264 is a better quality then say a xvid but as far as xvid being outdated that is not the case x264 is in the early stages cause 80% of standalone divx players that you buy to watch non dvdr movies on your tv sets do not yet support x264
I personally dont touch x264 i can fit 6 xvid movies on one dvd no reason for me to waste extra dvds to add movies to my collections
As far as aXXo releases he often makes less quality releases then say groups like Diamond, Pukka, etc…
Take care
Answer #12
I myself have proffered axxo’s ripped movies since 2004 they have always been great DVD quality .AVI to disk space is no concern I have more space then I know what to do with.
Answer #13
I myself have proffered axxo's ripped movies since 2004 they have always been great DVD quality .AVI to disk space is no concern I have more space then I know what to do with.
x264 are normally larger and aXXo releases are horrible quality compared to real groups
Answer #14
mkv X264 mhd rule……I only d/ld one I wasnt satisfied with,I cant say that about any other form of video file regardless of who ripped/encoded supplied or otherwise procured for our viewing pleasure….
Answer #15
I myself have proffered axxo's ripped movies since 2004 they have always been great DVD quality .AVI to disk space is no concern I have more space then I know what to do with.
x264 are normally larger and aXXo releases are horrible quality compared to real groups

Why do you say so? I haven’t ever seen a bad aXXo rip…
Answer #16
I myself have proffered axxo's ripped movies since 2004 they have always been great DVD quality .AVI to disk space is no concern I have more space then I know what to do with.
x264 are normally larger and aXXo releases are horrible quality compared to real groups

aXXo is a single person not a group. aXXo was probably one of the first people to start pirating movies.(No I did not say first.) As far as I can see his movies are fine the rest is just up to the encoding of the burner I am usin


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