Movie about a place…

August 13th, 2013

hello again guys,
I’m just wondering, I’ve watched a movie sometime last year and it was about a boy, who committed suicide and got to a place (not heaven nor hell) where everything was as it was on earth but nobody smiled there, and he fell in love and in the end he woke up and the girl he fell in love with was laying on a hospital bed right next to him.
I can’t remember the title of this movie (yeah, I have the worst memory:()
if it rings a bell to anyone, please let me know.

Answer #1
found it for you
wristcutters: a love story
Answer #2
thank you very much:)
Answer #3
Voryzen – well done!
And I thought I was pretty good at finding ~love~ on-line..
(haha – the censor make me read like a porno-hunter! hehehe!!)


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